◇ What is Reiki?  ◇


The Japanese term "Reiki" means universal life force energy and is a form of healing technique. Reiki energy is a natural and all of us were born with.

In this modern world, we have to prepare our social life to deal with stressful situations.  People recognize many contradictions or difficulties and even worse, we forget to harmonize with nature.

Reiki practitioners are activated in this essential energy and rebalance the flow of this energy of the client or ourself for the healing of the body and mind.

Before WWII, many people in Japan were using this method of healing in their daily life as an alternative medicine.

Also, I believe that Reiki is much more than just a healing technique. It works not only on our physical but also on our mental concerns.  If you want to consider Reiki system an enlightenment system, Reiki helps for your inner growth. This beautiful thing is one of the charms of Reiki.



How it works


Reiki energy naturally goes to where it is needed.

  • If the recipient feels depressed .........> Reiki makes your feel at ease.
  • If the recipient has a feeling of fatigue.......>  Reiki works to reduce it.
  • If the recipient has a migraine.......>  Reiki works to relief from pain.
  • If the recipient has upset stomach.....>  Reiki works to boost up the blood flow to the stomach.



Benefits from series of Reiki treatments


Many people find that their conditions are improved.
- Less stressed, More relaxed, More blood circulation,
  Improved sleep quality, More refreshed, Less emotional,  



Receiving treatment with an easy mind, you could feel your body and soul letting go of tension. You will most likely feel deeply relaxed. Therefore, it is considered that radical oxygen will be reduced in your body, and your natural healing ability will be improved.


  • There are differences in the effectiveness of treatment among individuals.
  • Any results depend upon each person's current situations.
  • Reiki is not intended to replace any other medical test or treatment you may be receiving.

◇ Other usages ◇


besides medical problems :

  • injury(scratchs, cuts), bruise, burn, cutting a neil to the quick, joint pain, poor circulation, cold sore, insect bites etc.
  • on your pets ex. dogs, cats, hamsters, gold fish, etc.
  • on animals and foliage plants, potted flowers
  • to purify your rooms or any areas, small or big objects
  • to foods, drinks, etc.

There are many simple and convenient ways to use Reiki.



◇ During a Reiki treatment ◇


The client remain fully clothed and can either be seated in a chair or laying down on a massage table. The Practitioner lays her/his hands lightly on or above certain areas over your body and Reiki energy is drawn. So this way is very gentle, that little kids to elderly people would like to take a treatment.

Just be there without any expectations with your mind in neutral. You may feel such as warmth, feel like be wrapped around whole body with compassion, be removed out unwanted things from your body, feeling of floating, tingling sensation, or you may not feel much of anything but you may even fall asleep.